

QUARTETO EM CY: "Aioka" from Em Cy Maior (TFT-8/22/2010)

? & THE MYSTERIANS: "96 Tears (En Español)" from Feel It!  (BAH-9/12/2010)

ANTHONY QUINN: "What Is Love?" from In My Own Way...I Love You (TFT-8/22/2010)

CARMEL QUINN: "The Pretty Girl Milking Her Cow" from Carmel Quinn's TV Party  (BAH-9/12/2010)

FREDDY QUINN: "Blue Mirage" from Single (TFT-8/22/2010)

MICHAEL QUINT: "Quando Quando / Swear To God" from Michael Quint In Concert (TFT-8/22/2010)

QUINTRON: "Cave Formation" from Are You Ready for an Organ Solo?  (BAH-9/12/2010)